Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI)

Rates of diabetes among Aboriginal people in Canada are three to five times higher than those of the general Canadian population. Aboriginal children are also now being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, a condition that in the past occurred mainly in older persons. Inuit rates of diabetes are not as high as those of other Aboriginal populations; however, there is concern that the rates of type 2 diabetes are increasing among Inuit as well.


The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI) is designed to provide a more comprehensive, collaborative and integrated approach to decreasing diabetes and its complications among Aboriginal peoples. The program is overseen by a national steering committee with representation from the national Aboriginal representative organizations (Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Métis National Council, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Native Women’s Association of Canada) as well as the National Aboriginal Diabetes Association.


The ADI will ensure access to prevention and promotion, care and treatment, and lifestyle support programs for First Nations people living on First Nation communities in Manitoba. The ADI in Manitoba is administered through the regional office with guidance from the Manitoba First Nations Diabetes Committee.


ADI Regional Staff Contact Information:


Natalie Wowk-Slukynsky

Regional Community Nutritionist

Email: natalie.wowk-slukynsky@sac-isc.gc.ca

Phone: (204) 430-0657


Alyssa Hoadley

Community Nutritionist

Email: alyssa.hoadley@sac-isc.gc.ca

Phone: (204) 583-5817